"What’s The Point?: Examining the Visions and Unique Selling Points of S*xuality Events" Slides
What's the Point?: Examining the Visions and Unique Offerings of K*nk and S*xuality Events
by Lee Harrington
Class slides
So many k*nk and sexuality conferences have popped up across the globe. Many seem like clones of one another. We could go to twenty different events and have no idea what city we are in. So what will make your event special? What should make us want to go? What are your values? Why are you even putting it on? Together as organizers, producers, educators, and groups, let’s look at our missions, voices, and visions to craft unique conferences and events. The choices we make when it comes to our events are sculpting our communities as a whole, and at the end of the day, we and our communities deserve something more than repeating other people’s habits… both good and bad. Bring your ideas to the table so that we can discuss, dream, and figure out what we can do to match our dreams up with what we are actually creating.